FAB University:

Do you have cellulite? If you do you're not alone since most of the women on the planet do. Do you have fat pounds to lose? I know I sure did at 26% body fat!
I grew up thinking it was impossible to get rid of cellulite and probably impossible to lose weight and keep it off for good. That's because I saw my mother struggle with her weight her entire life.
Yo-yo'ing with diets - losing weight only to gain it all back again when she went off whatever "plan" she was on. It just never became a lifestyle because every "plan" didn't really teach her how to MAKE it a lifestyle.

So I vowed to change that for myself by learning how to get and keep an amazing sexy body and now I am sharing it with you.

In this FABulously Fit Friday I show you how I went from 26% body fat to an amazing sexy body in just a few months. I actually purposely gained this weight so I could show others yes, it's possible to get rid of cellulite and yes, almost anyone can do this.

No tricks. No pills. No magic. And it's not hard once you have the knowledge.

Check out my amazing weight loss transformation in this video...

Do you have an amazing transformation story to share? Make sure to write me and send photos. I love to hear how others have transformed their lives.

With love,


Video Transcript:

Last weekend I competed in the biggest competition of my career. I actually went to the Emerald
Cup which is held in Seattle. I was on stage with 19 amazing women in my class all over
the age of 40, all looking absolutely incredible. I had an absolutely amazing time. We had so
much fun because these women are just inspiring to me. They're incredible. They're my sisters
in fitness and I love them all, and I happened to walk away with the first place finish.
But I got to tell you, that's not what's important to me. What's important to me is this journey
that I'm on. I love competing because I love to set that goal for myself. It keeps me on
track and focused on something that's larger than just losing weight and being in shape.
So, for me, competing works. For you, it might be something else. You maybe set a goal as
a photo shoot or a vacation that you're going to go on, or an upcoming wedding that's coming
up, but I really think those goals, no matter what they are, are really important and it
has to be more than just being about weight loss, it has to be more than just being getting
into great shape. I talk about that in some other FABulously Fit Fridays. This FABulously
Fit Friday, what I'm going to show you is my entire transformation, how I went from
26% body fat--no lie. 26% body fat, cellulite and all. Yes, you're going to get to see that,
lovely as it is, to stage-ready in just a few months. What I did throughout this journey
is I documented with photos, and I didn't get a chance to take them every day but I
did take them pretty often. And I documented my journey from the very start at 26% body
fat all the way through to about three weeks or so before I stepped on stage, and then
I sort of just lost track and stopped taking the photos at that point. There were a couple
of reasons why I wanted to show this. One, of course, is to tell you exactly how I did
it. I mean, if I can do this, if I can accomplish this as a single mom to an almost teenage
boy now and I've got a very full career as an executive in an international company,
plus I run the site for figure and bikini, plus I do this kind of stuff, plus, plus,
plus I got a pretty full life. So if I can do this, anybody can do this. I mean, the
fact is that it really isn't that time-consuming. What I found is, when I preplan my meals and
I do everything according to FAB University, it actually makes my life easier. That's no
joke. I hear all the time? I was reading this blog the other day, as a matter of fact,
and it was comments from individuals about why they haven't completed a transformation
contest. What makes people drop out of that? Now, the comments were just absolutely fascinating
to me. The reasons were pretty consistent. People think that it's too hard to change
their lifestyle, they think they don't have enough time, and they say they're just not
dedicated enough. Now, I find that very interesting because, you know, the "too hard," to me,
it's too hard not to do this. It really is. If I don't have my meals preplanned, I got
to tell you, I spend way much more time trying to find food when I need it. Like, okay, in
the lunchtime in my lunch hour at work, if I'm trying to find food, I go to a Subway
or I go to a Blimpie or something like that. I'm spending more time standing in lines and
ordering Blimpies than I am just popping my fast food into the microwave, heating up for
30 seconds, and then "bam," I got my meal ready for me. So it's a myth that eating this
way and preparing meals takes more time than it does in our normal American, standard American,
lifestyles. And I'm going to be proving that in another FABulously Fit Friday coming up.
It's going to be a really fun one so make sure you stay tuned for that. So that's a
perception that I think we have to think about changing. The other perception is that it's
too hard. Now, I certainly understand, when you have a lot of weight to lose, and I certainly
had a lot of fat weight to lose when I started this journey, it seems hard, but, you know,
it's really not because I always found that once I got to the gym and I did my 45 minutes
in the gym, and that's it, I always felt better afterwards. I always had more energy, and
I still do today. Even if I'm tired when I get home from work and I have a lot of things
on my plate, I make sure I get to the gym because I know I feel better, not just physically,
but mentally as well. So it's really all about priorities, and then when it comes to dedication,
when people say, "Well, I'm just not dedicated enough and I'm not disciplined enough," I
got to tell you, you are. You're just not choosing this kind of lifestyle as a priority.
When you think about it, you brush your teeth every day because the pain of not brushing
your teeth, like, when you go to the dentist and they have to drill you because you have
cavities, is way worse than brushing your teeth every day and having that preventative
maintenance. Same with grocery shopping. You know, it doesn't take me any longer at the
grocery shop. As a matter of fact, it probably takes me a shorter time to grocery shop than
you do. I call it ninja shopping because I know exactly what I'm going to get at the
grocery store each time. I can whip through that grocery store in literally 20 minutes
flat. So you and I spend the same amount of time in the grocery store, so it's not more
dedication, it's not more time-consuming. It might be a little bit harder at first because,
yeah, you got to change some habits, but, again, if I can do this, then anybody can.
So I show you in this time lapse video exactly how I went from 26% body fat, all the way
to stage-ready last weekend. I hope you enjoy this, and then afterwards stay tuned because
I'm going to tell you my top 10 tips to get into amazing, incredible, awesome shape. You
don't have to step on stage to look like that, you don't have to be a competitor to achieve
that kind of body. And for anybody that thinks that I photoshopped this, I'm sorry, folks.
I am not that good. I'm kind of good at the video editing stuff, but I'm definitely not
very good at Photoshop. So, unfortunately, yeah, that's my behind. And in this time-lapse
video you're going to see that I mostly show from my bellybutton down, and that's because
I am naturally a pear shape. And as naturally a pear shape, I gain most of my fat in my
butt, and thighs, and legs. So when I'm at 26% body fat, oftentimes at work people say
they didn't see it. I dropped 17, 18 pounds of body fat in this journey from the 26%,
all the way down to about 9%. My coworkers said to me, "Well, where were you carrying
18 pounds of fat?" They really didn't see it because I'm pretty darn good at masking
that with my A-line skirts and things like that. We all get pretty good at that as we
get older. So what you're going to see in this time-lapse video is really from my bellybutton
down because that's where all the changes really took place. I mean, certainly I got
a lot leaner on top too but it was much more noticeable in my lower half. If you want a
deeper dive in how to get into crazy, sexy, awesome shape, then check out FAB University
on It's not just for competitors. This is how to get a sexy body
no matter whether you want to compete or not. So here's this transformation. It's pretty
quick. I hope you enjoy it.
My top 10 tips for getting into amazing, sexy, awesome shape: Number one, make sure to eat
small meals six to seven times a day. Number two, cook your meals once or twice a week.
Prepare it ahead of time because preparation is key. Those meals are what I call fast food.
Number three, make sure you eat copious amounts of lean protein, vegetables, and healthy fats,
including nuts. Number four, make sure you have a balance of those lean proteins, vegetables,
and fats in your meals throughout the day. So those six or seven meals, some of them
you might want to have a protein and a fat and a protein or carb. Make sure that you
have balance. Number five, and one of my most favorite and important ones, is cut out all
the white stuff. That means sugars, flours, salts, starches, and milk. Number six, make
sure you have a calorie deficit, meaning that you're expending more energy than you're taking
in. The key to that is to make sure that your calorie deficit isn't too much because if
you go down below your BMR, then your body's going to hang onto every morsel of food that
you bring in and store it as fat because it knows it's going to need it later. That's
a really delicate balance there. You want to make sure you're in a calorie deficit but
not too much of a deficit to put your body into that starvation mode. Number seven, and
one of my favorite ones, make sure this is a lifestyle and not a diet. A diet won't last,
a lifestyle will. Number eight, also one of my favorite ones, ladies, we have to get into
the weight room. You've got to train with weights. That is the most important way to
lose fat. Now, I know that's hard for a lot of us because we don't want to look like body
builders. Do I look like a body builder? I don't think so. I train with weights really
hard. I was doing shrugs with 50-pound dumbbells the other day. You got to get into the gym
and you got to train with weights. That's way more important than cardio when it comes
to losing fat. Number nine, be consistent, but don't be so hard on yourself. This is
not an all-or-nothing thing. I know a lot of you, when you get on a new lifestyle and
you clean up your diet, that when something trips up when something happens in your life
and you start eating junk again, you start getting back into your old lifestyle, that
you think, "Oh, jeez. I'm done. Okay, I'm done. I'm not going to do this anymore." It's
not an all-or-nothing thing. Stay consistent with it. Get right back on the wagon and keep
going. The more you do it and the more results, the better results you have, the more it reenforces
this new lifestyle. So stay consistent, keep going, don't give up. And number ten, and
probably the most important, you've got to give yourself time. You know, this instant
results, this instant gratification culture that we live in, it doesn't work when it comes
to getting into and staying in amazing, awesome shape. You have to give yourself time to do
so. You know, it likely took you years to put those pounds on. It's going to take some
time to take it off. So if you make it a lifestyle, if you make it part of your everyday thing,
you're not thinking about it so much. Don't check the scale every day, check it once a
week. And if you're following FAB University, you're going to be checking it once a week
or once every two weeks to track your progress. Don't check it daily, give yourself time for
the changes to happen. Give yourself time for this new lifestyle to click and stay consistent.
And then I'm going to add one more to this list because this is also really important
to me. You know, you'll see advertised, "Take this supplement to help you out." "Take this
diet pill," "Take this fat burner." You know what? I did this without any of those. I do
take whey protein as a supplement right after my workout, but other than that, and a multivitamin,
general vitamin-mineral supplement, other than that, I don't take anything. You don't
have to take supplements, or fat burners, or any of this other advertised stuff in order
to get into amazing, awesome shape. I mean, that's just a myth, and, candidly, it's marketing
companies trying to get your dollar. They're trying to convince you that you can't do it
without having their supplements, and that's just simply wrong. So I hope you've enjoyed
this episode of FABulously Fit Friday looking at my cellulite. Okay, that was really hard
to post, I'll tell you that. And, again, if you want all of the details, exactly how I
went from 26% body fat, down to stage-ready, I share all those details with you in FAB
University and how you can apply that too to get an amazing, sexy, awesome body. If
you really like this episode make sure you go ahead and hit that "Like" button below
because that tells other people that this episode is really important. And if you want
to see other episodes of FABulously Fit Friday, hit that "Subscribe" button somewhere on YouTube.
Go ahead and hit that "Subscribe" button and you will be notified of each episode as it's
released. I'm Kristin Shaffer, founder of FAB University and, and
I hope to see you at the next FABulously Fit Friday. Hey, gals. FAB University is open.
Head to to check it out.

Video Length: 12:51
Uploaded By: figureandbikini
View Count: 38,162

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