Watch me shrink in my weight loss transformation video. My health improved and I feel SO much better!! no more need to have caffeine in my life.
Here are some more healthy weight loss life style tips from Durianrider & Freelee
Sleep, water, sugar sufficiency must be the daily focus.
Sun sport must be the weekly focus.
Making the world a better place for humanity, the animals and the environment must be the life focus.
One MUST get consistent early nights to ensure success on a healthy weight loss lifestyle. More early nights means a healthier and faster metabolism you will have greater nerve energy for the next day as your organs get the rest they need to function healthfully.
High carb low fat fruit based lifestyles work wonders for long term weight loss transformations. Ive NEVER seen a fat fruit or rice muncher EVER. People sneak in fat and wonder why they get fat.
Im talking FAT FAT not skinny fat cos someone doesnt move their body and they wonder why they dont have a tight stomach.Weight loss transformation WILL happen when you do the right things. High carb, low fat, early nights, consistent hydration etc.
Participate in your fav activities to build the toned body that you want. Its easy to lose weight but to build a toned body you MUST MOVE IT! :) AND eat enough carb calories so that the active adventure filled lifestyle is EASY to maintain!! So many people make the mistake of not eating enough carb calories DAILY!! Thats like wanting to be a big spender on 5$ a day! CHOW DOWN THE CARB CALORIES REGARDLESS OF YOUR WEIGHT!!
My recommendations for anyone wanting to get fit stay fit gain muscle burn fat is 10g of carbs per kg of bodyweight per day MINIMUM (even on days off) and 1g of carbs per kg of bodyweight per hour when you're out training. I personally drink enough water so Im pizz'n at least 10 times a day CLEAR and a few times a night. If my urine is yellow or straw, I just knock back a quart and Im good to go. Raw food diet vegan high carb low fat style based on fruit keeps you slim naturally. How to get a flat stomach, how to lose weight with raw to start a raw food diet? all these questions and more answered by Durianrider & Freelee on our channels. Thanks for watching! :)
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Durianriders 2$ audio mp3 and blog links below.
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ALL my BEST weight loss,recipes, cycling, mental, training and lifestyle tips in ONE Book
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125lb weight loss transformation with the raw foods + vegan lifestyle.
Chili's website is 125lb weight loss with the raw foods lifestyle. Here are some more healthy weight loss life style tips from Durianrider & Freelee Sleep, water, sugar sufficiency must be the daily focus. Sun + sport must be ...
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Trusted Source, Used In 99% of US Infant FormulasFDA-Inspected To Current Good Manufacturing PracticesProduced In Controlled Environment, Start To FinishVegetarian, Free of Ocean-Borne ...
High Protein - 15 grams of ProteinLow Carb - 5g Net Carbs*Low Calorie - 80 Calories Per ServingFat FreeAspartame FreeGluten FreeQuick and Easy to MakeEasily Mixes with Water*g Net Carbs = Total ...
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Save 60% off the Digital Body Analyzer, go to: In 2017 we should be not only goal setting but making sure to actually get motivated and complete our goals! This video...
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The Use of Diet and Nutritional Supplements to Maximize Wellness and Prevent Illness
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