Fat Burning Foods for Weight Loss Are you looking for some shortcuts to weight loss? Well, then try some fast foods. No we don't mean the ones that are fried with loads of fat and are packed with harmful calories. We are talking about foods that help to burn your calories faster. Yes, it is true. There are certain foods that speed up your body's metabolism rate and suppress your hunger pangs. Add these fat burning foods to your daily diet and see them work their magic on your body. So, all you soon-to-be brides who want to impress your partners with those sexy curves, take a look: Celery-Celery has high water content, which is why it is great for your hair, nails and skin. It is also a negative calorie food, which means that the number of calories that your body spends in digesting celery is greater than calories you gain by eating it. So, gratify your appetite with a celery snack to get rid of your untimely hunger pangs. Banana-Many people think that they should avoid banana if they are trying to lose weight, since it is a "fattening" fruit. But, this is not the case at all. Banana is one of the most filling fruits. If you have a bowl of milk and banana for breakfast, then you will not feel any hunger pangs till your lunch hour. Bananas also has enzymes that help to speed up your digestion process. Also, the sweetness in banana will take care of craving for sugar Egg whites-Eggs are high in proteins. Many studies have suggested that adding proteins to your breakfast, helps to keep mid-morning hunger pangs at bay. Besides this, eggs have vitamin B12 that helps to break down and burn fat from your body. But since eggs have high cholesterol levels, it is best to moderate your daily intake of them. Tomatoes-Tomato is the best source of lycopene, which is great for building haemoglobin in the body. So, tomatoes are good for those who are suffering from anaemia. It also contain fat burning properties and boosts your body's metabolism. Also, a tomato is mostly composed of water (90%), so you do not have to worry about putting on any weight. Soups-We are not talking about the ones you get in cans or packets, it strictly means non-creamy homemade variety. Soups give you lowest amount of calories, along with the goodness of different vegetables. Soups also leave you with a satiated feeling, which is why a bowl of soup is always advisable before you have your dinner. Whole grains-Did you know that your body burns twice the number of calories while breaking down whole food, compared to the processed items? Yes, it is true. So, add whole grains to your daily diet, be it as bread, oatmeal or rice. Other than its fat burning properties, whole grains are rich in fibre, which is nutritionally beneficial for your body. Cinnamon-Ok, agreed it is not 'food', but just like your fruits and vegetables even spices are an important part for your diet. Cinnamon helps you to burn fat without adding any calories to your diet. Cinnamon also helps in stabilising your blood sugar levels, thus keeping your sweet tooth under a check. So, add cinnamon to your yoghurt, tea and coffee to get some calorie-free sweetness. Hot peppers-Heat up your body with some spicy flavours to burn those calories faster. Peppers contain a compound called capsaicin, which helps to cut your appetite, along with speeding up your metabolism. Bitter Gourd (Karela)-We know that karela is definitely not an enticing option for most of us, but it is very helpful for those who want to lose that flab. This bitter food is low in calories and high in water content. It boosts your body's metabolism, and contains essential antioxidants that help to purify your blood. Meat and fish-All you 'meat lovers' out there might have thought that we have forgotten you by just adding eggs to our list. Let us tell you that lean meat, fish, turkey and chicken are good for you. Since proteins require more energy to be digested, these rich in protein foods are natural fat-burners for the body. Other than this, fishes contain good fatty acids that are essential for your body. So, add some tuna or salmon to your diet. Nuts-We have not gone 'nuts' when we ask you to add some nuts in your diet. Different nuts contain wholesome goodness such as essential fats, proteins, vitamins, potassium and fibres. They help you to supress your appetite. So, add some almonds, walnuts, pistachios or pine nuts in your daily diet. Drinks-Just because we said foods, does not mean that we are not going to talk about the goodness of certain drinks. Let's start with the best drink for your body- water. Drinking water helps to cool down those untimely hunger pangs of your body. Other than this, green tea and coffee are your two best allies when you are thinking about burning your body fat with goodness. Also, low-fat milk is good for you as it contains calcium, which is known to be a fat burning substance.
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