For FREE fitness coaching: Want to do the Fix?:
After veering off track nutritionally, I'm back on the wagon with the 21 Day Fix plan (that I'll be following while tackling a tough 13 week P90X3, Focus T25 and 21 Day Fix hybrid program I created to get my butt in gear for tank tops & swimsuits). In this video, I take you through my Sunday meal prep operation to get ready with some great grab and go options for lean proteins, carbs and grains...or should I say reds & yellows!
If you're following 21 Day Fix, go through meal planning guide and plan out your week. Which proteins, grains, carbs and veggies would you like to be eating over the course of the week? My favorite is boneless, skinless chicken seasoned with Spicy Southwestern seasoning mix so I fix up enough for 10-12 servings (about 6 breasts). I tenderize them first, then put them on pan sprayed with coconut oil and sprinkle seasoning on top.
While my oven is preheating to 375 degrees, I'll start process of boiling eggs and short grain brown rice (rice made per package directions). When oven is ready, I'll put chicken in and bake for about 25 minutes.
While everything is cooking, I'll make my own homemade salad dressing. My favorite from the 21 Day Fix guide is the Dijon Vinaigrette. Here's how you make your own:
Combine 3 tbsps red wine vinegar, 3 tbsps fresh lemon juice, 3 tbsps dijon mustard, 2 cloves of garlic (finely chopped), 1/4 tsp sea salt and 1/4 tsp ground black pepper in a medium bowl. Whisk to blend. Slowly add 6 tbsps extra-virgin olive oil while whisking; mix well.
Store leftover dressing in a covered container in the refrigerator. If dressing thickens when cold, hold at room temperature for about 30 minutes and stir before serving.
I'll then move on to dicing up a couple of large sweet potatoes to later use for roasting. I use these to make roasted sweet potato bites with a kick- yumtacular!
Other foods I'll eat during the week include fresh berries, mandarins, brussels sprouts (which I like to roast fresh so I won't slice them ahead of time), asparagus and my favity fave - half & half mix (half spring mix, half baby spinach) topped with sprouts, diced heavenly tomatoes & Dijon Vinaigrette Dressing.
It just took me an hour to prep multiple servings of salad dressing, chicken, short grain brown rice & sweet potato cubes. This makes for convenient meals throughout the week!
No matter what "diet" plan you're following, meal planning & preparation can help you stay on track. So set aside 1-2 hours per week and GET IT DONE!
Video Length: 07:01
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