5 Tips to Reduce Stomach Flab: Fat Loss Belly Bloating Tips
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Bloating, its the number one cause of unsexy stomachs on the beach and if you are a human, you are suffering from it or will be sometime in you life!
If you are interested in a flatter, leaner looking stomach and body, you need to kick that bloating out the door. Bloating makes you look pregnant even if you are a GUY.
What is bloating? Bloating is when your abdominal area is enlarged, full of either gas, indigestion or who knows what else. Bloating will cause a lean person to look less lean and an out of shape person look like a blimp.
Now before I go on, some people blame everything on bloating. Oh man I feel bloated cause I just ate Mcdonald's, oh wait, I'm just fat! You see what I'm saying?
The Problem Bloating is caused by poor digestion and food sensitivities. Dairy, gluten, soy, sugar, caffeine, should all be eliminated from diets to ensure proper digestion.
The Solution Here are couple quick tips to eliminate bloating permanently
1. Ensure you eat small frequent meals so you don't consume too much stomach volume at once 2. Exercise regularly to aid digestion 3. Consume a low amount of sodium, excess salt will make you look puffy 4. Consume lots of water, at least 4 Litres a day 5. Consume potassium rich foods like kiwi's and avocados
Supplements that help Two supplements that are great for this are 1. Fennel Seeds . Brew one teaspoon of fennel seeds and drink twice a day. This will aide in the explusion of gas
2. L-Taurine. Its a nonprotein amino acid, yadda yadda yadda, right? The bottom line is that its great for balancing the potassium sodium connecting and really helps with bloating by reducing water retention. Consume 1000mg twice daily.
Summary So let it be said, so let it be done. Bloating will now be a thing of the past. The only thing you have to worry about is what to do with that new rocking body. Remember with great power comes great responsibility.
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